Late breaking abstract

Submission period

Monday, September 2 to Wednesday September 25, 2024
Late abstract submission is now closed.

Requirements for Abstract Submission

  • Only the JSID members will be able to present their abstracts. If you are non-member of JSID:
    Please click following URL and take the procedure
    How to apply for JSID membership
    • However, foreign researchers who belong to overseas educational and/or research institution other than Japan will be able to submit abstracts even if he/she is not a member of the JSID.
  • Number of Abstracts that can be Submitted
    Only one paper or poster can be presented by the same author and/or presenter, although a presenter can be a coauthor of other papers.

Guidelines for Writing Abstracts

Please use Word doc or docx file. The file should include title, author's names and affiliation, a presenter's name, JSID membership account number, contact E-mail address.
Abstract title must be 140 characters or less, including spaces.
Abstract body must be 1,800 characters or less, including spaces.
Abstracts should NOT contain references, figures, tables or diagrams.

[Presentation style]

Your abstract will be accepted only for a poster presentation.
Presenters will be informed how to prepare their poster around the end of October.


You do not need to select category of your abstract. All posters of Late breaking abstract will be lined at the last of the poster presentation.


Your abstract will be reviewed and decided their presentation number as late submitted abstract and published in program and abstract book.

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Please send your abstract to secretariat office by E-mail.
(Word doc or docx file should include title, author's names and affiliation, presenter's name, JSID membership account number*, and contact E-mail address.)
Submit to:

  • When you send your abstract, please check above [Requirements for Abstract Submission] and write down presenter's JSID membership account number in your word file.
    Submit to:
    (However, foreign researchers who belong to overseas educational and/or research institution other than Japan will be able to submit abstracts even if he/she is not a member of the JSID.)

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Notification of Acceptance

You will receive notification of decision on your abstract around the end of October by E-mail.
Abstracts apply by late submission are reviewed by local organizers. Please leave the decision, whether each abstract is accepted or rejected.

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Contact Information

Should you have any further queries at all, please contact the secretariat office at the below:
Secretariat Office: The Japanese Dermatological Association
1-4, Hongo 4-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
FAX +81-3-3812-6790

Call for Abstracts

Download "Call for Abstracts"

To read the PDF file you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer.

  • Delegates are more than welcome to submit abstracts. We hope that many researchers will submit and participate. Kindly note that the acceptance of the abstracts, presentation time and categories are decided at the JSID science committee and the secretariat.
  • Presenters of accepted abstracts are required to register to our meeting.

Abstract Submission Procedures

  • All abstracts must be submitted through the online abstract submission system.
  • The 49th JSID uses the abstract submission system provided by the University Hospital Medical Information Network (UMIN).
  • Please see the following guidelines before proceeding to the abstract submission page. Click the button at the end of this page to submit.
  • For those who have difficulty accessing the online submission system on this website, please contact the secretariat office

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Submission Period

  • Tuesday, April 30 noon to Tuesday, June 11 noon
    Tuesday, June 25 noon
    Tuesday, July 2 noon

Online abstract submission is now closed.

  • The system will automatically close after the above date, therefore, corrections, registrations and deleting of the abstracts will not be allowed after the deadline.

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Requirements for Abstract Submission

Only the JSID members will be able to present their abstracts.
Members are requested to input their JSID membership account number at the time of abstract submission.

  • However, foreign researchers who belong to overseas educational and/or research institution other than Japan will be able to submit abstracts even if he/she is not a member of the JSID.
If you wish to join the JSID:
Please click following URL and take the procedure;
How to apply for JSID membership
If you have any queries on JSID membership account number,
please contact the below:
[Contact Information]
Shunkosha Inc.
Shinjuku Lambdax Bldg., 9F, 4-12, Okubo 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-0072, Japan
FAX: +81-3-5291-2176
  • Presenters of accepted abstracts are required to register to our meeting.

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Number of Abstracts that can be Submitted

Only one paper or poster can be presented by the same author and/or presenter, although a presenter can be a coauthor of other papers.

[Encore abstract]
  1. Unreleased data must be added to studies presented in SID, ESDR and/or ISID.
  2. Studies presented in dermatology related meetings in Japan are not acceptable.
  3. Studies presented in non-dermatology related meetings in Japan may be accepted.

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Requirements for Presentation

Oral Presentation

  • This meeting is scheduled to be held as an onsite only, so please give your presentation at the venue.(WINC AICHI / Aichi Industry & Labor Center)
  • Both plenary and oral presentations must be presented in English.
  • Allotted presentation time:
    Plenary Session : 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion (tentative)
    Oral Session : 9 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion (tentative)
    *Please keep the allotted time strictly.
  • All accepted abstracts, including plenary presentations, are requested to prepare paper posters.
  • Regarding PCs for presentation, it will be announced at our website and in the program and abstract books at a future date.

Poster Presentation

  • Posters must be prepared in English
  • Specifics on the poster is scheduled to be updated on the website in the middle September.
[2-minute presentation]

This year, in principle, the authors who have only poster presentations must make a 2-minute presentation with PPT file. This session does not have time for questions and answers, but there will be poster discussions available at the poster venue.
Coauthors can make the presentations instead of the first authors.
Presenters are required this oral presentation data and a paper poster.

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Guidelines for Writing Abstracts

  • Abstracts are to be registered in English.
  • Abstracts should NOT contain references, figures, tables or diagrams.

Designated Speakers:

Symposiums, JSID-Asia-Oceania-Forum, Meet the Editor, Luncheon, Morning, Evening Seminars, Sponsored Symposium and Sponsored Lectures

  • [Restrictions]
    Abstract title must be 140 characters or less, including spaces.
    Abstract body must be 3,000 characters or less, including spaces.
    Up to 15 authors, including coauthors, and up to 10 affiliations may be registered.
  • [Presentation Type]
    Please select your presentation type either of "Invited Lecture" for JSID-Asia-Oceania-Forum, and Symposium speakers or "Sponsored Seminar" for Luncheon, Morning, Evening Seminars speakers, Sponsored Symposium speakers and Sponsored Lectures speakers.

Oral and Poster Presentations:

  • [Restrictions]
    Abstract title must be 140 characters or less, including spaces.
    Abstract body must be 1,800 characters or less, including spaces.
    Up to 15 authors, including coauthors, and up to 10 affiliations may be registered.
  • [Presentation Type]
    You can select your presentation type either of "Oral and/or poster" or "Poster Only".
    *However, even if "Oral and/or poster" is selected, you may be asked to present as "Poster Only", according to review results.
  • [Category Classification for Abstracts]
    Please choose from the following categories:
  • 1Adaptive Immunity
  • 2Auto-Immunity
  • 3Carcinogenesis and Cancer
  • 4Cell-Cell Interactions in the Skin
  • 5Epidermal Structure and Barrier Function
  • 6Genetic Disease, Gene Regulation and Gene Therapy
  • 7Innate Immunity, Microbiology, Microbiome
  • 8Patient Population Research
  • 9Patient-Targeted Research
  • 10Pharmacology and Drug Development
  • 11Photobiology
  • 12Pigmentation and Melanoma
  • 13Skin, Appendages, and Stem Cell Biology
  • 14Tissue Regeneration and Wound Healing
  • 15Translational Studies

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Online Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

  • Depending on the computer environment, there may be cases where the registrant is unable to register from the meeting web page. (e.g. Firewall is set to prevent intrusion) Please confirm your internet environment in advance.
  • It is mandatory that the registrant has an e-mail address that can be made through to him/her.
  • An e-mail will be generated automatically to inform the registrant that the abstract is registered. Please be extra careful not to mistype your e-mail address.
*If you do not receive the e-mail, the following may be the cause:

A. You can confirm your abstract from the "Confirmation & Correction" page.
- The e-mail address input was incorrect: Submission has successfully concluded. To avoid duplicated submission, do not submit more than twice. Please confirm and modify the e-mail address from the Confirmation & Correction page.

B. You cannot confirm your abstract from the "Confirmation & Correction" page.
- The submission process did not finish properly: Please submit again

  • Compatible browsers are Safari version 2.0.3 (417.9.2) or above, Firefox and Google Chrome. Do not use other browsers.

Before Submission

  • Registered data will be published on the abstract book. There will be no proofreading by the secretariat office. Please be extra careful not to mistype your abstract.
  • Change in abstract, including coauthor information, will not be accepted after the deadline. Please confirm thoroughly before submission.

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Click "Abstract Submission" button when submitting your abstract for the first time.


Before you finish your registration, you are required to enter password. Password is case sensitive and must be between 6 and 8 character long. Do not use passwords used for hospital information systems and e-mails.

Data Entries

<Entering symbols, Greek Letters and other special characters>
Symbols and Greek Letters must be entered using the respective codes from the list of "Abstract Body" on the Registration site. (You may cut and paste from the list.)
Follow the instructions below for special characters. These are also available on the Registration site for you to cut and paste.

  • Superscripts: <SUP></SUP>
    Example: Na<SUP>+</SUP>=Na+
  • Subscripts: <SUB></SUB>
    Example: H<SUB>2</SUB>O=H2O
  • Italics: <I></I>
    Example: <I>c-fos</I>=c-fos
  • Bold: <B></B>
    Example: <B>AAA</B>=AAA
  • Underline: <U></U>
    Example: <U>BBB</U>=BBB
  • If you wish to use "<" (less than) or ">" (greater than) in your abstract (e.g. p<0.05), to distinguish special character codes "< > "explained above from single uses of "<" or ">", enter "&gt;" for ">" and "&lt;" for "<".
    Example: p&lt;0.05=p<0.05

Complete Registration

Please confirm the contents you have input before clicking the "Confirm to submit" button.
Please confirm your input at this page, and then click "submit".
After submission, registration number (number in the 10000s) will be automatically generated. With the registration number being generated, the abstract submission process is concluded. You will receive a confirmation mail from the system. If you do not see your registration number in the web page, please be aware that the abstract has not been accepted yet.
Please note that the secretariat office will not answer any questions related to the passwords for security purposes.

Should you have any queries on the online registration system, please contact the secretariat office. In rare cases, there may be trouble occurring at the UMIN website. Please check the UMIN web page before contacting the secretariat office.
UMIN Web Page


For adding correction to registered abstracts, use the "Confirmation and Correction" button. Before the due date, confirmation and correction can be made repeatedly by inputting the registration number and password.

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Abstract Submission

  • Tuesday, April 30 noon to Tuesday, June 11 noon
    Tuesday, June 25 noon
    Tuesday, July 2 noon

Online abstract submission is now closed.

  • The system will automatically close after the above date. Corrections, registrations and deleting of the abstracts will not be allowed after the deadline.


Designated Speakers Symposiums, JSID-Asia-Oceania-Forum, Meet the Editor, Luncheon, Morning, Evening Seminars, Sponsored Symposium and Sponsored Lectures
  • Abstract title :140 characters or less (including spaces)
  • Body: 3,000 characters or less (including spaces)
  • Please select your presentation type either of "Invited Lecture" for Invited Lecture speakers, JSID-Asia-Oceania Forum speakers or "Sponsored Seminar" for Luncheon, Morning, Evening Seminars Speakers, Sponsored Symposium speakers and Sponsored Lectures speakers.
Oral and
Poster Presentations
  • Abstract title: 140 characters or less (including spaces)
  • Body: 1,800 characters or less (including spaces)
  • You can select your presentation type either of "Oral and/or poster" or "Poster Only".

[Submit by ciphertext]

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Notification of Acceptance

  • Registration number for accepted abstracts will be announced on the web page in the end of August.
  • Committee members selected by the JSID Committee of Scientific Activities will select the abstracts as 15-18 plenary sessions, 25-30% oral sessions and 70-75% poster sessions.
  • These will be selected by impartial judgments. Please leave the decision, whether each abstract is accepted or rejected and which type of presentation is applied, to the meeting president and program committee, including the JSID Committee on Scientific Activities.

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Travel Grant (For overseas applicants only)

A limited number of travel grants will be awarded by the Local Organizing Committee for applicants, whose abstracts have been evaluated as outstanding.
Authors wishing to be considered for a travel grant should complete the abstract submission and must be aged 40 years or younger as of the day of the meeting and overseas resident.
The nominee must be first author (i. e. presenting author) of an submitted abstract, and should provide proof of date of birth (e. g. insurance card) by e-mail.

  • On the Abstract Submission system, the age limit is set as "Under 40", but the correct age limit is "40 years or younger".
    If you are 40 years old as of the day of the meeting, you could apply for the Travel Grant and Young Collegiality Night.
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    Young Collegiality Night

    We have a plan to strengthen the connections between young doctors who are aged 40 years or younger and to extend it beyond the boundaries of facilities.
    We will conduct a survey for those who want to participate in this plan at the time of abstract submission. We are expecting around 30 participants, and in case of high demand, there will be a lottery system for selection. Thank you for your understanding.

    Date: December 6 (Fri.) 19:30- (tentative)

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    Contact Information

    Should you have any further queries at all, please contact the secretariat office at the below:

    Secretariat Office: The Japanese Dermatological Association
    1-4, Hongo 4-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
    FAX +81-3-3812-6790